Welcome to the Union State Organization Page


This page will have information regarding the Union State Organization that was founded by Nyx to create a Federation along with 12 other nations (このページには、他の 12 か国と連邦を形成するためにニクスによって設立された国連組織に関する情報が含まれています。).

Members of the Union State Organization (連邦国家機関のメンバー)

Kingdom of Haskaria

Constitutional Monarchy of Shadow Metropolis

Commonwealth of Dorugama Nation

Queendom of Nyx

Kingdom of Stratton

Republic of New Czechoslovakia

Commonwealth Empire of Wakoku

The population of the Union State Organization by member states (米国組織の加盟国別の人口。).

(Census as of 6/2023)

Total: 1,298

  • Queendom of Nyx: 24
  • Kingdom of Haskaria: 27
  • Shadow Metropolis: 43
  • Republic of New Czechoslovakia: 21
  • Kingdom of Stratton: 20
  • Commonwealth Empire of Wakoku: 1,163
  • Commonwealth of Dorugama Nations: ? (N/A) (Subtracting 1,163 from Wakoku

Union State Organization news

  • Union State Organization was Founded on March 12th, 2022.
  • Endorsing nations of "Begley Democratic Republic and Commonwealth", the Democratic Republic of Baliga, and the Principality of Vurmond; joins the organization as only endorsers and not members on 3/12/2022.
  • The Democratic Republic of Baliga leaves on 3/13/2022.
  • 3/23/2022 Nyx and Shadow Metropolis as the only full members agree to choose a flag for the USO.
  • The flag of Neutral Moresnet has been chosen for use as the USO flag and has been decided to be added with stars representing each state in a circle on 3/24/2022.
  • 3/25/2022 Nyx and Shadow Metropolis agree to have USO meetings every month with each state represented by their Heads of State.
  • 4/1/2022 Republica De Zaerrion joins as a non-voting member, the first Spanish-speaking member in the USO.
  • 4/2/2022 Nyx and Shadow Metropolis agree to make a rule to make it an obligation for member nations to recognize each other as independent sovereign nations since we plan to become one whole nation together.
  • 4/2/2022 Tardissian Institute joins as a non-voting member.
  • 4/2/2022 Nyx and Shadow Metropolis agree to create an application process for nations that want to join the USO.
  • 4/11/2022 Queendom of Nyx goes through a foreign affairs crisis where the Queen of the Queendom has to step in on foreign affairs which had delayed talks in the USO.
  • 6/5/2022 Prime Minister Austin Elsler of the Queendom of Nyx returns to foreign affairs under the permission of the Queen to resume USO talks.
  • 7/9/2022 Tardissian Institute left the USO.
  • 8/30/2022 Kingdom of Haskaria has joined the USO as a member.
  • 9/12/2022 Nyx proposes the Russian model for the basis of the Federation.
  • 10/21/2022 Republic of New Czechoslovakia joins the USO as a member.
  • 10/26/2022 Nyx proposes an establishment of the "House of Delegates" to be the ruling body of either the organization in its current form or the future Federation.
  • Shadow Metropolis votes yes. New Czechoslovakia votes yes but with a question.
  • Haskaria comments "We will not be able to have any delegates."
  • 11/13/2022 Nyx Senator Breona McGuire temporarily takes Prime Minister of the Queendom of Nyx place to handle USO affairs.
  • 12/1/2022 Nyx Prime Minister Returns to the USO.
  • 12/12/2022 Shadow Metropolis left the USO.
  • 12/13/2022 Republica De Zaerrion left the USO.
  • 1/10/2023 Shadow Metropolis joins back.
  • 2/9/2023 The Union State Organization has its very first on-call meeting with 3 out of the 4 members.
  • 5/31/2023 The Kingdom of Stratton has joined the USO.
  • 6/2/2023 USO had an unofficial meeting with 4/5 of the members.
  • 6/2/2023 USO members concluded to have no capital city and are in discussion on how the federal government will work.
  • 6/2/2023 USO members agreed to add a coat of arms to the federation flag.
  • 6/2/2023 Nyx proposes to change the unanimous vote to a 3/4ths vote instead.
  • 6/13/2023 Commonwealth Empire of Wakoku has joined the USO.
  • 6/13/2023 Commonwealth of Dorugama Nation.