Ballots that were submitted in the year 2022

Janurary 2022 Ballot #1

1/14/2022: Ballot for "How much value would you give to the Nyxi Pound? You can add your own value number to the poll too if the one listed is not for you. Majority vote rules in this poll.".

Ballot Status: Failed due to no votes cast after the 30-day traditional deadline. All options had 0 votes.

Janurary 2022 Ballot #2

1/24/2022: Ballot for "Giving Federal County 1 a new name called, Lavender County".

Ballot Status: Approved by the Federal County 1 residents with 100% support and has been approved by the Unicameral.

January 2022 Ballot #3

1/30/2022: Ballot for "Declaring the city of Lyndon to be a county seat for Lyndon County".

Ballot Status: Approved by the Unicameral Unanimously on 2/1/2022.

Janurary 2022 Ballot #4

1/30/2022: Ballot for "Declaring the city of St. Matthews to be the County Seat for Floyd County".

Ballot Status: Approved by the Unicameral Unanimously on 2/1/2022.

March 2022 Ballot #1

3/14/2022: Ballot for "House Bill 11 to be added to the Constitution".

Ballot Status: Approved: 75% Support. 25% did not vote on 3/26/2022.

March 2022 Ballot #2

3/14/2022: Ballot for "Citizen's Initiative to change the time and date for Unicameral meetings."

Ballot Status: Approved time chosen on 4/7/2022: 8:30 pm Eastern time zone on Monday.

For days: 58.3% voted for Monday. 41.7% voted for Saturday.

For Time: 58.3% voted for 8:30 pm (eastern time). 25% voted for 12 pm via noon (eastern time). 16.7% voted for 12 am via midnight (eastern time).

July 2022 Ballot #1

6/25/2022: Ballot for "Citizen's initiative to pass HB8-2022 and HJR3-2022 into law without the consent of the Unicameral."

Ballot Status: Failed due to the host of the initiative withdrawing the petition.

September 2022 Ballot #1

9/11/2022: Ballot for "Should Ratatouille be declared as the National Dish of the Queendom of Nyx?"

Ballot Status: Passed with 53.8% voting in favor, 7.7% voting against and 38.5% not voting on October 11th, 2022.

September 2022 Ballot #2

9/21/2022: Ballot for "Adding House Bill 19 into the Constitution".

Ballot Status: Failed to reach 67% of the national vote. 50% voted in favor. 0% voted against. 50% did not vote on October 21st, 2022.

October 2022 Ballot #1

October 10th, 2022.

Ballot to amend House Joint Resolution 5 of the 2022 Regular Session into the Nyxi Constitution.

Ballot status: Passed by popular vote: 72.7% in support. 0% voted against. 27.3% did not vote.