Official name: Steampunk Trailblazers for Engineering, Art, Mechanical Progress Unifying the New Kinetic Society Coalition

Short name: S.T.E.A.M.P.U.N.K Coalition


The Steampunk Coalition was founded by Austin Elsler, Breona McGuire, and Kurt Fuchs (more might be added) on October 18th, 2023 to begin a movement to innovate the Queendom of Nyx into a Steampunk-like future, although Steampunk is a science fiction genre, we believe it can exist in some way shape or form. We do not plan to force Nyxi citizens to use Steam engines, machinery, or even clothing. Steampunk-like products are optional to all Nyxis but the point of our movement is to grow the culture of it to show people that Steampunk and Steam-power are the way of an Eco-friendly industrial future. If there is an issue in Nyx such as but not limited to education or transportation, the SPC will come up with Steampunk solutions for those issues without having to pass laws, regulations might be created but not laws. We are aware that Steam-powered vehicles have had issues in the past such as boilers exploding, slow-moving, and requiring high maintenance but we believe that with our free market society, we can find ways to make them safer than the safest Steam-powered vehicles that already existed. We do not believe in government using force, big government, or laws that violate the constitutional rights of Nyxi citizens so if there are any of these issues we will oppose them to the fullest extent. Let us grind our gears, crank our cogs, time our clocks, and let's get Steamrolling. As of 2023, it is considered a mostly economic coalition followed by serious political ideologies and policies to promote Moderate views and Free Market Industrialization. As of 2024, The Steampunk Coalition transitioned from a political party to a Political Action Committee or a PAC for short to instead endorse and fund candidates that fit their view other than nominating candidates.

Social Policies

  1. Steampunk Coalition’s stance on Education in the Queendom of Nyx is that all Nyxis young and old should have a curriculum of learning how to build and operate steam engines and machinery as well as devices such as analog computers or Analytical machines by Charles Babbage, the Fardier a Vapeur invented by Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot, and others. Books from Steampunk genre authors should be added such as but not limited to H.G. Wells and Jules Verne.
  2. We advocate that local communities should be the only entities to fund their local public schools with their voluntary taxes under Sections 25 through 28 of the Queendom of Nyx Constitution.
  3. When Steam vehicles are built we plan to open or fund schools with our party dues that have driving courses for Steam-powered vehicles.
  4. We will happily endorse and or fund any school public or private non-profit or chartered that has a Steampunk curriculum of some kind with money donated by the Steampunk Coalition.

Economic Policies

  1. The Steampunk Coalition plans to create or provide a mass amount of industrial jobs from extract to manufacturing then to sales. The jobs we plan to provide or bring in are ironworks, steelworks, automotive, and chemicals.
  2. The Steampunk Coalition will invest in any business that operates in a manner in which it produces products regarding steam power or machinery.
  3. As for Agricultural jobs, we will give support to those who own greenhouses and give them Steampunk options to help improve their greenhouses. For big farms the same way, the automotive industry under Steampunk guidance can produce Steam-powered farming vehicles for the farmers to use and we will ensure that it will meet safety and environmental standards to ensure both man, plant, and animal are safe since it is only just steam created by fire and water.
  4. We believe that agriculture is essential to the Queendom and her people therefore we support only subsidizing the Agricultural Industry to ensure that unemployment will remain as low as possible.

Environmental policies

  1. The Steampunk Coalition's stance on the environment is complex but can be done by supporting citizens with greenhouses to grow their crops with community support, donations, investments, and subsidization.
  2. With steam power machines air pollution will be almost non-existent if funded by communities whether through donations or voluntary taxation.
  3. Noise pollution can be managed by modern technology by helping to upgrade all steam-powered vehicles and steam-powered houses to be sound-resistant or soundproof. This can be done by our Coalition’s investment in the industries in those fields and with the help of donations from the communities struggling with noise pollution.

Total members: 5

Endorsed candidates or current officials: 1

Funds: E0 - $0.00