Deputy Prime Minister Election of 2024

  1. Tony Kane Dinero: 7 (70%)
  2. Robert Bramel: 3 (30%)

Winner: Kane Dinero

1st Deputy Prime Minister

Kane Dinero (9/24/2024-Current)


  1. The Deputy Prime Minister shall have the same powers as the Prime Minister but only if the Prime Minister is absent or is incapacitated to function in office.
  2. The Deputy Prime Minister shall be called, “Prime Minister” if the Prime Minister is not in the meeting with him or her.
  3. The Deputy Prime Minister must have approval from the Prime Minister to do any executive or legislative action before proceeding such as but not limited to: 1. Propose legislation to the Legislature. 2. Sign a bill into law. 3. Call for a special Privy Council or Legislature session. 4. Write Reminders.
  4. The Deputy Prime Minister can assist the Prime Minister with anything the Prime Minister assigns him or her to do within the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch.
  5. The Deputy Prime Minister cannot use the procedures of the Executive Branch or Legislative Branch to remove the Prime Minister from office.